The next chapter of Code-Black starts...
January 2023 sees a new year of games at Fireball Squadron.
In the 25th year of the club, we hope to bring the players more action with a new set of CODE BLACK games
This years setting is the jungles of Elstonia, a small area in South Columbia and rife in drugs and black market operations, all run by El Nelstoni the new drug and war lord who rules over the area with an iron fist.
He is backed by the UNF, the mercenary task force who will stop at nothing to hold their area and serve their drug lord for a cut of the profits.
The PMC have been asked by the US Government to stop this and clear the area of all illegal activities no matter what it takes.
They are working in the shadows with no rules of engagement and one mission, to stop the flow of illegal drugs and take El Nelstoni out of the picture and eliminate the UNF.